Friday, April 7, 2017

FORM: Devilish Specialty Cake Co.

This assignment from Advanced Typography was to make a cupcake order form for a pretend cake company. We voted in our class what the name of our company was to be called. It was decided to be Devilish. My first thoughts were horns, fire and brimstone and the many different things that come with devils. But this was a sweet cupcake company. My first thought was actually, what kind of person names their cupcake company devilish. But then I thought how smart! It sounds like “delish" with a catchy twist of fun. It is unforgettable.

Now if this pretend company came to me asking to have a form set up with all their specifications needed to portray their company and making it look pleasing. The list that is needed to put on an order form is more than what I thought. But after doing some research - come to find out that this is common to put so many things on a form.

 My goal was to have a design that invites my pretend customers to want to buy cupcakes from this company. This is what I came up with. I learned that it takes a lot of work in trying to figure out where to put everything on the form without making it look messy. Not just with the layout of the form itself, but with the company’s title and logo. Everything needs to work together and not be mismatched. This assignment also helped me remember the tables in inDesign. Can’t imagine doing this form in all layers. Yikes!

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