Saturday, April 15, 2017

My Story

I have a very interesting story about how I got here in my life. I have had a love of designing and creating scrapbooks when I was really young, this is all due to my mother. But I did not have the confidence to draw and go forward with this in college.

Then I got married to my high school after he served a full time mission in Birmingham, England. Soon after we were married, he told me of his desire to go to school and get a degree. I worked full time and helped put him through this goal of his. But then children came and I worked as much as I could. My husband also worked up to two jobs to help make us get through him going to school, having a home and raising our three boys. It was not easy.

After a few years of my husband graduating, he talked me into going back to school. It was the best thing I had ever done.

I am currently going to Salt Lake Community College. My major is Graphic Design.

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